Question 4
PAP 721S
25 marks
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the following four propaganda strategies,
stating how you might use each in a campaign that you are leading:
(a) The communication must reach the audience ahead of competing propaganda
(6 marks).
(b) Slogans must be used again and again, but only in appropriate situations
(4 marks).
(c) Propaganda messages must be boomerang-proof (6 marks).
(d) Information about the enemy's operations, customer base and suppliers must be
available to implement a propaganda campaign (9 marks).
Question 5
25 marks
A true understanding of the propaganda message often requires an analysis of the
propaganda operation, and the propagandists who are leading it. With the use of
relevant examples, analyse the role of the propagandist in shaping perceptions using
each of the following four schemes:
(a) The ideology and purpose of the propaganda campaign. (6 marks)
(b) The context in which the propaganda occurs.
(6 marks)
(c) Identification of the propagandist.
(6 marks)
(d) Counterpropaganda.
(7 marks)
End of examination question paper
Total: 50 marks