Development Policies and Processes
Question 1
At the national level, a distinctive policy document, relevant to spatial planning in Namibia is
Namibia's Vision-2030.
Identify the proposed things to do as indicated in Namibia's Vision-2030 for the aspect of the
urban environment.
Achieving VISION 2030 policy objectives for Namibia require some structural changes
towards integrated approaches and partnerships. Discussthe "new ways" of thinking proposed to
move towards improved national development.
Explain any five principles (values) of urban policy as provided for in the OECDbrochure
document that align with Namibia's Vision-2030.
Develop a policy outline to address adequate housing in Namibia - only write down the
content page of your policy to indicate the issues (critical aspects) to be included in this policy. (5)
a) Discussthe purpose of an urban structure plan as provided for in the Urban and Regional
Planning Act, 2018.
b) The World Bank (2011) stated that using land effectively is critical to address poverty. Critically
reflect on this statement in relation to the land ownership challenges for inclusion in current
development policy.
c) Discussthe components: geography of urbanisation and design of urban areas of CITIESAS
in urban policy in Namibia.
Question 3
Urban Spatial Policy (USP)in government development programmes, legislation and policy promoted
ideas and objectives of 'compactness and integration'. Although USPbrought these innovation ideas, it
went through distinct phases of development, decline and revival.
a) Identify the elements of "compactness and integration'.
Second/Supplementary Opportunity Question Paper
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January 2023