Land Tenure Systems
Question 1
In 2-4 sentences answer the following questions, with a focus on showing your understanding of
the subjects. Each correct answer carries 2 marks.
a) What is tenure security?
b) Name and describe two consequences of tenure insecurity?
c) Is the land reform of Namibia achieving its goal of land redistribution?
d) What was the dominant land tenure in Namibia before colonisation?
e) What is meant by the term tenure continuum?
f) Define the term common property.
g) Who is the "Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)" and what do they do?
h) What is meant by the term bundle of rights?
i) What are the land tenure types found in the commercial areas of Namibia?
j) What are the five ways by which a person can access land?
k) State the two types of reforms that the Namibian government is implementing to correct the
past imbalances in land distribution.
I) Why did the government of Namibia introduce the Flexible Land Tenure?
m) What is land registration?
n) Why do we register land rights?
o) When can you say that tenure is insecure?
Question 2
Identify (and list) five measures which can be applied by land professionals to resolve the many
land-related problems Namibia is facing. Briefly explain how these measures are being
implemented. Each challenge listed and explained carries 4 marks.
First Opportunity Question Paper
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November 2023