Cadastral Surveying 2
Question 4
(a) Under what circumstances is it not necessary to indicate coordinates on a diagram?
In the survey of new townships and extensions FULLYoutline the guidelines on how reference
marks shall be placed.(Answer should indicate minimum number and spacing as well as
(c) State clearly how lengths and directions shall be recorded on a general plan.
Question 5
(a) A diagram shall contain coordinates of certain points, in metres, to two decimal places. Name at
least five (5) of such points.
(b) Apart from coordinates, what other numerical data needs to be shown on a diagram?
(c) On a diagram the locality of the land under survey is indicated. State what such locality information
consists of.
Question 6
(a) Regulation 18 refers to favourably situated main survey stations. Name ANY TWO attributes of such
(b) Name any six(6) components of survey records.
(c) (Fill in the missing information in following statement).
Unless a point is otherwise adequately checked -when its position is determined by intersection or
trilateration, the angle at the vertex of any triangle used in such determination shall not be less
than .........degrees nor greater than ............degrees.
First Opportunity Examination
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June 2023