Question 1: (Historical background)
6 Marks
Describe the first grain foods in history and how they lead to the first leavened ancient bread?
Question 2: (Organization/ Baking and pastry careers)
4 Marks
What are the personal characteristics that are important for the success of bakers and pastry chefs?
Question 3: (Hygiene)
9 Marks
Name the 3 main food hazards categories that can occur in a bakery and give two examples of each
Question 4: (Ingredients)
What are the main components of wheat flour?
4 Marks
Question 5: (Ingredients)
What are the four functions of fats in baked goods?
4 Marks
Question 6: (Ingredients)
7 Marks
What kinds of chemical leaveners are used in the bakeshop and how do they work in principal?
Question 7: (Equipment)
8 Marks
What are the principal types of dough-handling equipment used in the bakeshop? Name 4 of them
and describe in brief how they work.
Question 8: (Basic Baking principles)
8 Marks
Describe the following terms in detail and explain what role it plays in the formation of the dough/
baked good?
8.1 Hydration (4)
8.2 Air cell formation (4)
Question 9: (Understanding Yeast doughs)
Name the 12 steps of yeast dough production.
12 Marks
· Question 10: (Lean Yeast doughs)
10 Marks
What is the procedure for the straight dough mixing method and how is it different to the modified
straight dough method and why?
Question 11: (Sponges and Pre -ferments)
6 Marks
What are the advantages of using a sponge or yeast pre-ferment to make bread doughs? Name 3
advantages and explain them in brief.
Question 12: (Rich yeast doughs)
8 Marks
What is the rolling-in procedure for laminated yeast doughs? Describe how to make a laminated
dough such as Croissants or Danish Pastry.
Question 13: (Deep fried desserts, pancake and waffles)
State 5 examples of deep-fried desserts and pastries.
5 Marks