1.5 A, B and Care partners in a business providing transport to and from Windhoek
International Airport. One evening, on his way home after a drunken party, A is
involved in an accident and Dis injured. Who will be liable?
A. Nobody, because it was an accident
B. A, because he was driving the vehicle
C. The partnership, because of the principle of vicarious liability
D. It depends on whether A was doing partnership business or not
E. It depends on whether the vehicle belonged to the partnership or not
1.6 Benjamin enters into an agreement with John that he (Benjamin) will lease John's
farm for a period of 20 years. The lease is not registered. Five years into the
agreement the country is hit by a devastating drought; Benjamin gives up farming and
moves back into town. The following year John dies, and his son, Johnson, inherits the
farm. Good rain has since fallen, and Benjamin wants to resume his farming activities.
Advise Johnson:
A. Benjamin can return to the farm and continue farming for the remainder of the
20-year period.
B. Benjamin can return to the farm and continue farming for another 10 years.
C. Benjamin can return to the farm and continue farming until the first 10 years of
the lease has expired.
D. Johnson can evict Benjamin
E. The lease is invalid because it was never registered.
1.7 In which of the following relationships is the authority of the agent implied by law, and
not dependent on the consent of the principal?
A. Insane person and curator
B. Guardian and minor
C. Managing director and company
D. Close corporation and members of close corporation.
E. All of these options
1.8 Kapofi leases his house to Nomcebo. Kapofi and Nomcebo agree that their contract of
lease will come to an end when Nomcebo's son Daniel returns from Dubai. A year
after the conclusion of the agreement, Daniel comes back from Dubai. Which one of
the following forms of termination of lease will take place?
A. The lease agreement will be terminated by notice because the contract is for an
indefinite period
B. The lease agreement will not be terminated by notice because the parties did
not mention in their contract that the contract will be terminated by notice
C. The lease agreement will not be terminated by effluxion of time because it was
not known when the event will take place
D. The lease agreement will be terminated by effluxion of time because its
existence depends on the occurrence of a specified event
E. None of the given options