QUESTION 3 [30 marks]
3.1.If X and Y are linearly related, in the sense that Y = aX + b, where a > 0, then show that
Pxy = 1.
3.2. Let X,, Xz, .... Xp, be independently and identically distributed with normal distribution with
mean p and variance o”. Then show, using the moment generating function, that Y =
has a normal distribution and find the mean and variance of Y?
Hint: My,(t) = ett t2o-2
3.3. Find the cumulant generating function for X~N(, 07) and hence find the first cumulant and
the second cumulant.
3.4. Let the random variable X~N(u, 07). Find E(X) and Var(X) using the characteristic function
of X. HINT: $y (t) = el° t#-13°*
QUESTION 4 [26 marks]
4.1. Acertain radioactive mass emits alpha particles from time to time. The time between emissions,
in seconds, is random, with probability density function
_ (0.5e-95”, fory> 0,
4.1.1. Find the 25" percentile of the time between emissions
4.1.2. Find the median time between emissions
4.2. If X is a random variable having a binomial distribution with the parameters n and p (i.e.,
X~Bin(n, p)), then
3.4.1. Show that the moment generating function ofX is given by My(t) =
(1 — p(1 —e*))”. Hint: (a + b)” = Yieo(,)aXb™*
3.4.2. Find the first moment about the origin using the moment generating function of X. [3]
4.3. Let random variables X,~Poisson(A,) for k = 1,..., m1 be independent Poisson random
variables. If we define another random variable Y = X; + Xz +---+Xpy, then find ¢y(t).
Comment on the distribution of Y based on your result. [Hint py, (t) = erk(e"—-1)]
4.4. Let Y be continuous random variable with a probability density function f(y) > 0. Also, let
U = h(Y). If his increasing on the range of a given random variable, then show that
fulw) = fr(n-2(Snu))(u)
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