Cadastral Surveying 1
Question 1
{a) Cadastral surveying can be carried out as two (2) operations. State them.
(b) In South Africa the first land surveyor came to the Cape in 1657. The first cadastral survey was the
survey of a piece of land on the banks of the Liesbeeck River. Describe the features that were adopted
as boundaries for the said property.
{c) What was the reason for the promulgation of Act No. 32 of 1993?
(d) Outline any five (5) powers and duties of the Surveyor General.
(e) Give a short summary of the history of Cadastral Surveying in Namibia.
The cadastral system in Namibia is considered among the best internationally. Explain any two reasons
for this.
(g) Who are the members of Namibian Council for Professional Land Surveyors, Technical Surveyors and
Survey Technicians {SURCON)
(h) Define 'Land Surveyor' as per the Land Survey Act 33 of 1993.
Question 2
(a) Explain four (4) reasons that may necessitate a beacon relocation.
(b) Outline the requirements for a piece of land to be registered in the Deeds Registry?
Before carrying out a survey, one of the important things that a land surveyor does is to go to the
Surveyor General's office to look for survey information. Indicate any three (3) examples of such
First Opportunity Examination
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June 2023