Question 5
In the process of managing a database, there are a number of management tools that enable
the DBA, to interact with and manage the database. Amongst these are the Enterprise
Manager which works mostly with wizards and SQL*Plus which uses the Command line.
As a DBA compare the two interfaces mentioned above in terms of their benefits and
limitations in the database administration field.
Section C {SQL Commands)
[30 marks]
Question 1
a. Describe what each of the following SQL commands achieve?
i. CONNECT ruva/ra she @nustpdb
SELECT name, space_limit
FROM v$recovery_file_dest;
SELECT log_mode FROM v$database;
b. Write SQL commands to achieve the following:
i. Show the name of the container that is currently running.
ii. Change the container from the root container to the pluggable database called
Ex amp db.
iii. Create a directory in Oracle called ExamDir that stores backup data into a
folder called Exams Backup in the c: \\ drive of your operating system.
iv. Perform an export using expdp command of the table SALGRADE found in
the SCOTT schema whose password is EasyExam. Your export should have
a dumpfile called Salgrade Exp. dmp and a logfile called
Salgrade Exp. log in the folder C: \\Exams Backup.
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