(15 Marks]
3.1 As an experienced strategic information officer for a donor-funded healthcare organization,
you are requested to develop outcome level indicators. Explain the significance of
developing sound indicators.
3.2 According to the HIM Professional Core Model, certain responsibilities, and functional
areas are expected of HIM professionals. Identify these responsibilities.
3.3 List the most commonly found sources of health information in any health care
(25 Marks]
4.1 Mr Greyland is admitted and prepared for a Trans-Urethral Resection (TUR)at the
Windhoek Central hospital on the 25th of October 2022 at 15h00 by Sr Verii. During the
process of admission, Sr Verii recorded the following information in the patient
admission file: BP 157/100; Pulse 72bpm; Respiration 18bpm; Saturation 85%.
Although, Mr Greyland complained of headache, abdominal pain in his right lower
quadrant and diarrhoea, but no nausea or vomiting was reported. Propose guidelines
(with examples) on the medical decision-making process to be used by health care
workers to assessthe patient post-operatively.
4.2 All data should be recorded, handled, and stored in a way that allows its accurate
reporting, interpretation, and verification. Write notes on the data review process
by responding to the following questions:
4.2.1 What is a data review process
4.2.2 Why is a data review conducted
4.3.3 Highlight the four-phase processes to be followed when conducting a data
4.3 AEG-health consult was sub-contracted by REMIX,an international donor agency to
implement interventions that will strengthen the prevention-of mother to
child transmission of HIV/AIDS programme among pregnant women in Katuka
health district. Below is a matrix showing the baseline values per indicator based on
the feasibility study that was conducted two (2) months prior to the implementation
of the programme. You are requested to set cumulative targets for the 2022 to
2024 financial year using three percent (3%) increase for each financial year.