1.15 Name the scientist who extracted Insulin from dog's pancreas.
(a} Banting and Best
(b} Hirs, Moore and Stein
(c} Fredrick Sanger
(d} Kohler and Milstein
The number of marks is given in brackets () at the end of each question
2.1 Temperature of plant culture room is maintained between________
2.2 Sub culturing of cells can be started at which phase of cell growth at the end of
2.3 Gene-cloning techniques to mass-produce ______
gives shrimp their pink colour.
_, the pigment that
2.4 A hand held antibody test kit developed for to detect ______
in oysters. (1}
2.5 In stem cell method, microinjections are done in the _____
2.6 Synthetic seed is produced by encapsulating somatic embryo with
and -----
2.7 Animal and human cancers are strikingly similar, information gleaned from one
species might be used to treat the other. For example, the ______
found in 65% of human breast tumours is similar to the gene in dogs. Randomized
trials in both dogs and humans have shown that ________
of a tumour
site combined with radiation can be more effective in local tumour control than
radiation therapy alone. (2)
Each answer carries one mark
3.1 The soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects plants at a wound site. What is
the signal that activates the vir locus as a result of the wound?
3.2 Which part of the tobacco plant is infected by Meloidogyne incognita?
3.3 What is the diameter of microinjections glass needle is used to insert transgenic DNA
into the male pronucleus?
3.4 How many hours the Zebrafish eggs complete embryogenesis?
3.5 Name the most widely used chemical for protoplast fusion, as fusogens.