Question 1 {15 Marks)
(a) What is the significance of the atomic packing factor?
(b) Linear density in a given crystallographic direction represents a fraction of the line length that
is occupied by atoms. At room temperature, the crystal structures of iron and aluminium are
BCCand FCCrespectively.
Calculate the linear density for [110] and (111] directions in iron and aluminium
Comment on your answers in (i), and explain why aluminium is softer and more ductile
than iron based on your answers in (i).
(c) Both XRD analysis and elemental analysis in the SEM generate peaks and troughs in the
spectrum. What is the fundamental difference between the EDS spectrum and the x-ray
diffraction spectrum?
(d) The {100} planes of a body-centred cubic crystal have a separation of 0.1181 nm. If these
planes are irradiated with x-rays from a copper target, the strongest line has a wavelength of
0.1541 nm.
At what angle will first order reflection occur?
At what angle will second order reflection occur? What conclusion can you make?
(iii) Calculate the lattice parameter of the crystal.
Question 2 (20 marks)
(a) Distinguish between an intrinsic and extrinsic staking fault.
(b) The activation enthalpy for the formation of vacancies in gold is 91 500 J/mol. Calculate the
equilibrium concentration of vacancies in gold at 727 °C.
(c) The diagram below shows the Cu-Zn phase diagram. A copper-20%-zinc alloy is made from
cooling molten metal in a sand mold.
Calculate the phase fractions in this alloy at 1000°C.
If the pouring temperature for the alloy is 1200°C, sketch the cooling curve for this
(iii) With the aid of a clearly labelled diagram, explain the typical microstructure expected
from this casting (show all the zones).
(iv) What type of nucleation would you expect on solidification, and why?
If solidification proceeds slowly, there is a possibility of composition variation across
the casting. What is the common term used for this variation and explain how it
(vi) Suggest two ways to eliminate the composition variation indicated in (iv).