Property Development and Marketing
i) The Loan to Value ratio is a risk assessment instrument used by -financial institution to examine the
affordability of potential buyers of real estate before approving mortgage application. It is used to
assess the strength of the demand side of the real estate market during market analysis stage of
property development.
j) In implementing a property development project, the contractor gets paid a lump sum from the bank
loan for the entire cost of the project development upon completion.
k) Agreement or Letter of Intent with Anchor Tenants are critical for a financial institution to finance
construction of commercial properties such as shopping mall. The rationale· is that they rent more
spaces and thus generate substantial part of the property's revenue.
I) Market analysis for proposed real estate development considers market area, economic trends,
supply and demand indicators, market conditions, and feasibility factors. A prudent developer must
clear all legal permission (planning) hurdles before full commitment to the development is possible.
m) With an exclusive right to sell listing, the seller employs only one agent and mu~t pay that agent a
commission regardless of whether it is the agent or the seller who finds a buyer provided the buyer is
found within the listing period.
n) As an appraisal technique for evaluating of property development project from its financial profit and
risk perspective, the Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)focuses on 'return of capital' outlay whilst the
Discoun.ted Cash Flow (DCF)/Net Present Value (NPV) focus on 'return of capital'.
o) The payback period is the time required to earn back the amount invested in an asset from its net
cash flows.
p) The payback method focuses solely upor. the time required to pay back the initial investment; its
strength lies in its ability to track the long-term profitability of a project.
q) A real estate market research problem can be quite general such as determining the C?mmunity
demand for housing which does not address any specific property type, location but focussing on the
strength of demand for a particular land parcel.
First Opportunity Examination Paper
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June 2024