Urban Economics
h) For shops, accessibility to as many customers as possible is paramount and the revenue
earning capacity of ground floor locations in the Central business District (CBD) enables them
to outbid other users.
i) Urban land use is determined by various decisions made by only firms and household
without the participation of the government.
j) Per capita incomes in cities are higher than in rural areas. Hence urban dwellers are much
better off than rural dwellers
k) Existence of superior infrastructure lower transportation and communication costs. This is
therefore a factor contributing to enjoyment of internal economies of scale.
I) Growth in size of a city can eventually give rise to urban diseconomies due to higher
transport costs.
m) According to Christaller's Central Palace theory the size of an urban area is the function of
economies of large-scale production and existence of transport cost in that urban area only
regardless of these factors in other urban areas.
n) By central place theory, demand for goods and services by persons living outside that area is
determined by the fixed cost of production plus the cost of transport in that area relative to
the cost of production, plus the cost of transport, from other urban areas to the potential
o) A relationship exists between a central place and the number of next lower order central
places which it serves is such that each high order centre serves itself and six of next order
central places.
p) Market-oriented industry is a general term for an industry that can be placed and located at
any location without effect from factors such as resources or transport.
First Opportunity Examination Paper
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November 2022