Question 2
2.1 What are the considerations to be taken when developing a quantitative atomic
absorption (AA} method?
2.2 (a} Why are hollow cathode lamps preferred in AAS instruments instead of the
lamps used in UV-Vis spectrometers?
(b} Describe the principle of operation of a hollow cathode lamp.
(c} What are chemical interferences in AAS technique and how do you correct them? (3}
2.3 The diagram below represents an instrument that measures fluorescence.
Q ,....,...,•,_,··· I -
i source
\\....~. jo)t.
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(a} What is the main advantage of replacing the filters in A and B by
monochromators and what would the instrument be called in that case?
(b} Why is the detector perpendicular to the radiation source?
(c} It has been reported that photoluminescence spectra are recorded by measuring
the intensity of emitted radiation as a function of either the excitation wavelength
or the emission wavelength. Using the above diagram as a reference, explain how
both measurements (i.e., of excitation or emission spectra} can be made.
Question 3
3.1 In the chromatographic separation of solutes A and B, one of the simplest ways to
improve resolution between their peaks is to adjust solute B's retention factor as
shown in the figure below.