Question 5 (14 Marks]
5. Two psychological tests were given to 11 men and 10 women. The variables are y1 = tool
(i~), (i~), G Zs)· recognition and y2 =vocabulary.The mean vectors and covariance matrices of the two samples
Y1 =
Yz =
S1 = (~ 1~) and S2 =
Assume that the observations are bivariate and follow multivariate normal distributions N (µi, 1:),
for i = l and 2.
5.1. Compute the pooled covariance matrix
5.2. Conduct a test if there is any significant difference between the vector of expected mean
scores of men and women at 5% level of significance. Your answer should include the
5.2.1. State the null and alternative hypothesis to be tested
5.2.2. State the test statistics to be used and its corresponding distribution
5.2.3. State the decision (rejection) rule and compute the tabulated value using an
appropriate statistical table
5.2.4. Compute the test statistics and write up your decision and conclusion
Question 6 [23 Marks]
(;~\\ (~\\
\\;:) \\!) 6. Let x~N 5 (µ, l:), where x = I X3 I, µ= I 7 I and
i: = I o 2
\\~ 0
!\\ 0 0
9 0 3 I.
:6) 0 9
Answer the questions based on the above information.
xi;x 6.1. If z1 =
3 and z2 = x1 -½x 2 then, find the joint distribution of z1and z2. Are they
independently distributed? Provide explanation for your answer.
6.2. Find the conditional distribution of x2 given (xi, x3 ).
6.3. If y = 2x1 - 3x 2 + x3 , then find P(y > 7)
Question 7 (9 Marks)
7. Let X' = [Xi, X2 , ... , Xp] have covariance matrix l: with eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs
(il1, e1), (i!.2, e2), ..., (ilp, ep) where il1 ;:::il2 ;:::... ;:::ilp ;:::0. Let Yi = e1X, Y2 = e;x, ..., Yp=
e;x be the principal components. Then show that
7.1. Var(l't) = ili
rf=l 7.2. tr(l:) = Var(Ya = il1 + A.z+ ...+ ilp
Question 8 (13 marks]
8. A researcher compared judges' scores on fish prepared by three methods. Twelve fish were
cooked by each method, and several judges tasted fish samples and rated each on four variables:
y 1 =aroma, y 2 =flavor, y 3 =texture, and y4 =moisture. The summary statistics of the data are
given in the attached software output (Tables 1-5 given below).
8.1. Draw conclusion of the Box test for equality of covariance matrix using the 5% significance
level. Your answer should include the hypothesis to be tested, test statics and p - value
and conclusion.
8.2. Are there significant mean difference of judges' scores (as rated each on four variables)
between three different methods? Your answer should include the hypothesis to be tested,
test statics and p - value and conclusion.
8.3. Are there significant mean difference of judges' score on flavour offish prepared by three
methods? If so, which cooking methods differ?
8.4. Are there significant mean difference judges' score on moisture of fish prepared by three
methods? Explain in detail.
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