4.3 Based on your LAP score above, what is most likely to be the diagnosis for this
4.4 Name other condition in which the LAP score is useful and the expected score
4.5 What other further test will do to confirm the diagnosis in 4.3.
5.1 List 6 categories in which the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified
myelodysplastic syndrome into.
5.2 Of the MDS classification you have listed above, which category is most likely to
progress into acute myeloid leukaemia. Motivate your answer.
5.3 Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical findings as well as laboratory results of
chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML).
5.4 What disorder is CMML classified as according to the WHO? Explain the rationale
behind this classification.
End of Examination
Total Marks: [100]
Good Luck!
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