The following transactions have not been recorded:
1. Rental Income
• Rental income relates to extra storage space to a local carpenter for N$10,000 per
2. Property, plant, and equipment
• A plant with a carrying value of N$2 800 000 was discovered to have a recoverable
amount of N$2 000 000 after an impairment test was carried out.
• Total depreciation for the current reporting period was correctly calculated as
N$1 205 000 (plant N$900 000 and vehicles N$305 000).
• A vehicle with a cost of N$400 000 and accumulated depreciation of N$145 000 (up to
the date of the theft) was stolen during the year. The insurer paid a VAT inclusive
amount of N$368 000 on the claim.
• Purple Ltd sold another vehicle with a carrying value of N$325 000 to a secondhand
car dealer for N$345 000 (including VAT).
3. Trade receivables
• Wheeler cc, a receivable was deemed insolvent. The Finance director of Purple Ltd
authorized the action to write off the total balance of N$75 785 owed by Wheeler cc
as irrecoverable.
• Furthermore, after a review of the remainder of the account receivables, an increase
in allowance for doubtful debts by N$200 000 was authorized.
4. Inventories
• A review of the market on 31 March 2022 revealed that Product X, which has a cost
value of N$500 000, had a net realizable value of N$380 000. The cost of this item was
counted with the rest of inventory on stock-taking.
• It was also discovered that inventory with a total cost of N$85 000 was missing. Only
a Dr to other expenses account was accounted for regarding this lost inventory.
5. Cash and cash equivalents
• The bank statement for March 2022 was received on 1 April 2022 which reflected bank
charges of N$1 725 and interest income of N$2 400 still had to be recorded.
6. Long term borrowings
• The accountant of Purple Ltd prepared the following amortization table for a loan that
was obtained from Greenish Bank during the year.
01 April 2020
31 March 2021
31 March 2022
31 March 2023
31 March 2024
31 March 2025
475 867
475 867
475 867
475 867
475 867
Interest 8%
152 000
126 091
67 888
35 249
Amortised cost
1900 000
1 226 356
848 597
440 618