HRF512S - Human Resource Fundamentals - 1st Opp - Nov 2022

HRF512S - Human Resource Fundamentals - 1st Opp - Nov 2022

1 Pages 1-10

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Ms Elaine Enkali
Mr Erenfried Ndjoonduezu
Mr Elias Kandjinga
Mr Mattie Otto
Dr Andrew Jeremiah
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. You are expected to apply your subject knowledge to the questions.
3. Write clearly and neatly.
4. Number your answers clearly.
1. Pen
2. Ruler
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 7 PAGES (Including this front page)

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Question 1
Multiple choice
(lxlO = 10 marks)
1.1. Otjize Embroidery CCadvertised a position of an Administration Officer and forty-five
people applied for the position. Esther a relative of the HR manager at Otjize
Embroidery CCwho never applied for the position was appointed. This is an example of:
a) Moral standard
b) Culture of nepotism
c) Unethical behaviour
d) Affirmative Action
1.2. Concerns itself with what is good or right in human interactions.
HR policy
1.3. Making ethical decisions always involve two things.
A normative judgement and morality
Morality and values
Subjective judgement and objectivity
Fairness and ignorance
1.4. Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs is centred around the concept of:
1.5. Selma, Tom, Jessica, and John are top performers in their respective departments.
Kris the managing director identified these three top performers to lead the
establishment of a new branch in Keetmanshoop. The managing director's decision
to appoint the three top performers can be described as:
a) Decision to design jobs

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b) Decision to allocate tasks workers
c) Appointment of a work team
d) Implementing vertical work design
1.6. Kapana PTY LTD is a fast-growing Namibian SME and employs 53 permanent and 25
seasonal workers. However, the company is struggling to manage its HR data such as
leave days, training and pay. The company hired a consultant to do hire them, but it
proved a costly exercise. They are now planning to acquire a system called Sage People
300 to resolve their HR data management issues. The system Kapana PTY LTD is
planning to acquire is known as:
a) Payroll data
b) Enterprise Resource Management
c) Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
d) The future of work
1.7. Hafeni an independent OD consultant was hired by Kapana PTYLTDto conduct a job
evaluation exercise. However, the time given to complete the exercise is very
short. Which of the following method do you recommend she uses?
a) Structured questionnaire
b) Individual interview
c) Selection
d) Observations
1.8. Who is responsible for the screening of applicants and removing those that are
obviously unrealistic?
a) Supervisor
b) Head of department
c) HR officer
d) Employment Services bureau in the Ministry of labour
1.9. An ongoing process within the context of overall strategic planning and the changing
conditions both within and outside the organisation is:
a) Workforce demand forecasting
b) Workforce planning

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c) Strategic management
d) Planning
1.10. Which of the following is an external source of recruitment
a) Skills inventory
b) Job posting
c) Linkedln
d) Job rotation
Question 2
(lxlO = 10 marks)
2.1. An educational institution such as NUSTis an external source of recruitment.
2.2. Masule is an HRofficer at Zambezi Holdings. The company urgently need a truck driver
to lessen the burden of two existing truck drivers. To cut cost, Masule advertised on
Namibia Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS). By advertising on NIEIS
Masule engaged internal recruitment.
2.3. Frederick Herzberg's two factor theory of motivation suggests that people will perform
better when they receive continuous feedback on how well they are performing.
2.4. Confidentiality and equal opportunities are principles of behaviour.
2.5. Arrangements where workers work fewer days than the traditional five workdays a
week is known as flexitime.
2.6. Nepotism is an effective recruitment strategy especially the hiring of family
members of top performing employees in an organisation.
2.7. Adding autonomy involves giving an incumbent less control over their job and telling
them what to do in line with their job descriptions.
2.8. Lectures and apprenticeship are different forms of informal training.
2.9. Induction is aimed at gradually orientating new and old employees to the organisation,
market, history, policies, and practices.
2.10. Procurement is an operative function of human resources and is concerned with
obtaining right kind and number of personnel necessary to accomplish organisational

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Section B
Question 1
(28 marks)
Read the lnduction/onboarding scenarios below and answer the following questions.
Scenario 1
It has been a long shift for Bruce; his first on the night shift in this mental health unit. Gina, the
lead practitioner on duty, has been working solidly too. She had hoped to catch up -write up
appraisals, check rotas and, of course, talk and listen to concerns. As ever, there have not been
enough hours in the day. But she has not forgotten that this is Bruce's first shift and his
introduction to the service, so she made the time to explain, answer his questions and find out
about him as a person. She has reassured him that he will quickly find his feet and has talked
about the value of new staff and their freshness, their ability to see the service through
different eyes. Bruce thinks he is going to do OK here.
Scenario 2
Aysha joined the finance team on placement last week. It is a bit more formal than her last one
but the work - dealing with contract queries - is interesting and she has enjoyed getting to
know the systems and the people - until this morning, that is. She was so embarrassed when
Larry, the senior on the team, came over to her section and flung a file down on the desk next
to hers. He was abrupt with Simon, the other trainee, pointing out many errors he had made, in
a sarcastic way, and telling him that this would jeopardise the team's performance against the
monthly returns target. The whole office went quiet. Simon looked totally miserable and Larry
just turned and walked away. Aysha will be keeping her head down from now on.
Source: FutureLearn
2.1. Define term induction in your own words
2.2. Having read scenario 1 and the Induction role model you have learned, explain how
Gina (Bruce supervisor) in Scenario 1 played her role in the induction process. (6)
2.3. Having read scenario 2, if you were Larry in scenario 2, how would you have done it
differently considering there is a new member (Aysha) added to the team?
2.4. Assume you are the HR practitioner in both scenarios (1 and 2). Based on your

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2.4. Assume you are the HR practitioner in both scenarios (1 and 2). Based on your
understanding of the effectiveness of induction and training, what advise will you give to
Gina and Larry?
2.5. Scenario 2 suggests a lack of understanding of the benefits of the induction/onboarding
programme. As a trained HRpractitioner, advise Larry the benefits of a well-coordinated
and implemented induction/onboarding program.
Question 2
(52 marks)
Read the case study below on workforce planning and answer all questions that follows.
Case Study: Workforce planning
At the beginning of the year, the Clean Energy Limited management completed a five-year
strategic plan and revised the company's organisational structure also known as an
organogram. Five new positions were added to the structure because the organisation plan to
expand its operations to different parts of the country. The HR Manager was tasked to conduct
a workforce plan and recruitment plan on how the new positions will be filled including
employees who resigned and are due for retirement. To ensure the continuation of the
company operations, the HR department was instructed to fill all vacant positions as soon as
possible because they are deemed critical. However, the advent of COVID-19 presented a
different approach to the operations of the company. Suddenly, the HR Manager faced a
recruitment dilemma. The recruitment budget was slashed, thus there are not enough funds to
advertise to attract a large pool of applicants.
Management also seem withdrawn contrary to their initial suggestion that the vacancies must
be filled without delay. Then the HR Manager came up with a plan and requested the
management approve the internal job advertisement. This was to test the suitability of internal
employees for available positions. The HR Manager suggested to the company management
that the job advert be placed on notice boards and via e-mail circulation to all employees. The
benefit of an internal advertisement is that it will save the company cost of advertising and a
chance for employees to grow within the ranks of their employment.

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However, the company management was not convinced that internal employees have the
potential to fill the five critical positions. Thus, they prefer that the vacancies also be advertised
externally to attract a larger pool of applicants. The job advertisement should allow applicants
from inside and outside the organisation to express their interest, the company management
argued. Consequently, a decision was taken to advertise in the print media (newspapers), social
media platforms, the company website, through employment agencies, and the Namibia
Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS).
4.1. Having read the case study, define the term recruitment and identify five sources of
recruitment from the case study provided
4.2. Based on the case study discuss the efforts made by the HR manager to contribute to
Clean Energy Limited's growth strategy.
4.3. Due to the current economic downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Clean Energy
Limited company cannot afford to recruit someone in these positions. Assume that you
are the HR manager, within the context of workforce planning and talent management
strategy, how will you approach this situation?
4.4. Clean Energy Limited appointed you as their HR manager. One of your key performance
areas is to assemble a team of experts to work with you on different HR projects.
Discuss in detail five ways how to maintain effectiveness within your team.
4.5. As a manager, what type of teams would be appropriate for your department success
and why?
4.6. In a short summary, how did the "Human ResourcesManagement Fundamental Course"
shape your understanding of the role of the Human Resources Department in the
organisation? Do you foresee yourself applying what you have learned thus far, how?
Here, you are required to express your understanding in your own words and not listing
topics or themes appearing in your prescribed course materials. Also, please note that
this question is twofold, the last part of the question requires you to relate theory to
End of paper
Total Marks: 100

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