Question 1
(20 Marks)
For a heritage site to be included on the UNESCOWorld Heritage List, such sites must
meet the UNESCOWorld Heritage selection criteria. With practical examples, outline
these criteria.
Question 2
(20 Marks)
Discussin detail the role that tourism plays in Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). Start
your discussion by elaborating bri ·what is meant by ICH? use practical examples.
Question 3
(20 Marks)
According to UNWTO, cultural heritage stimulates national pride in one's history.
Cultural Tourism stimulates a respect _and understanding of other cultures and,
consequently, promotes peace and understanding. Referring to the above statement,
elaborate further on how cultural heritage tourism has developed in Africa.
Question 4
(20 Marks)
Africa is a rich continent in terms of cultural heritage resources. Why it is important for
African nations to safeguard both the tangible and intangible cultural heritage?
Question 5
(20 Marks)
For a site to be considered as a World Heritage site, there are legal and zonation aspects
to be adhered to. By using Twyfelfonteih World Heritage site as a practical example,
deliberate on the concept of buffer zones in this context.