Scenario 1
George is the manager of a corporate unit with a lot of new and inexperienced employees.
He is a very nice, good-natured man whom most co-workers like and get along with easily. He
gives everyone lots of responsibilities and expects them to carry out tasks without bothering
him. He can be hard to find when needed to take a decision and, in fact, tends to put his own
decision off until the last moment.
a) What leadership style does George display? (3)
b) What is the likely impact of George's style on his co-workers? (3)
c) What is the likely impact George's style on company productivity? (3)
Scenario 2
Ann is also the manager of a corporate unit. She is available in her office at any time and, in
fact, makes it a point to visit co- workers to find out what they think about assigned projects.
When a decision needs to be made, she makes it quickly. She is tough and demanding but fair
and enthusiastic and expects her team to be the same. She sets high goals but gives you every
tool needed to achieve those goals.
a) What leadership style does Ann display? (3)
b) What is the likely impact of Ann's style on her co-workers? (3)
c) What is the likely impact Ann's style on company productivity? (4)
Scenario 3
Like George and Ann, Chris is the manager of a corporate unit. He is committed to carry out
the goals and objectives of the company in the most efficient way possible. He is a hands-on
type of person and makes it clear that good performance will bring team members rewards
while poor performance will send a below-par team member out the in short order. Chris has
established a very clear chain of command.
a) What leadership style does Chris display? (4)
b) What is the likely impact of Chris' style on his co-workers? (4)
c) What is the likely impact Chris" style on company productivity? (4)