Mufaro called Manyara and Nyasha to him. "It would be a great honor to have one of you
chosen," he said. "Prepare yourselves to journey to the city. I will call together all our
friends to make a wedding party. We will leave tomorrow as the sun rises." "But, my
father," Manyara said sweetly, it would be painful for either of us to leave you, even to be
wife to the king. I know Nyasha would grieve to death if she were parted from you. I am
strong. Send me to the city, and let poor Nyasha be happy here with you." Mufaro beamed
with pride. "The king has asked for the worthiest and most beautiful. No, Manyara, I
cannot send you alone. Only a king can choose between two such worthy daughters. Both
of you must go!"
That night, when everyone was asleep, Manyara stole quietly out of the village. She had
never been in the forest at night before, and she was frightened, but her greed to be the
first to appear before the king drove her on. In her hurry, she almost stumbled over a small
boy who suddenly appeared, standing in the path. "Please," said the boy, I am hungry. Will
you give me something to eat?" "I have brought only enough food for myself," Manyra
replied. "But, please!" said the boy. "I am so very hungry." "Out of my way, boy! Tomorrow
I will become your queen. How dare you stand in my path?"
After traveling for what seemed to be a great distance, Manyara came to a small clearing.
There, silhouetted against the moonlight, was an old woman seated on a large stone. The
old woman spoke, "I will give you some advice, Manyara. Soon after you pass the place
where two paths cross, you will see a grove of trees. They will laugh at you. You must not
laugh in return. Later, you will meet a man with his head under his arm. You must be polite
to him." "How do you know my name? How dare you advise your future queen? Stand
aside, you ugly old woman!" Manyara scolded, and then rushed on her way without looking
Just as the old woman had foretold, Manyara came to a grove of trees, and they did indeed
seem to be laughing at her. "I must be calm," Manyara thought. "I will not be frightened."
She looked up at the trees and laughed out loud. "I laugh at you, trees!" she shouted, and
she hurried on. It was not yet dawn when Manyara heard the sound of rushing water. "The
river must be up ahead," she thought. "The great city is just on the other side." But there,
on the rise, she saw a man with his head tucked under his arm. Manyara ran past him
without speaking. "A queen acknowledges only those who please her," she said to herself.
"I will be queen. I will be queen," she chanted, as she hurried on toward the city. Nyasha
woke at the first light of dawn. As she put on her finest garments, she thought how her life
might be changed forever beyond this day. "I'd much prefer to live here," she admitted to
herself. "I'd hate to leave this village and never see my father or sing to little Nyoka again."
Her thoughts were interrupted by loud shouts and a commotion from the wedding party
assembled outside. Manyara was missing! Everyone bustled out, searching and calling for