(35 marks)
Read the essay below and answer all questions
Employee Performance Management: Charting the Field from 1998-2018
Performance appraisal refers explicitly to the supervisor-employee interview where
employees are typically evaluated once a year using a given set of dimensions and
assigned a score to that assessment (DeNisi and Murphy, 2017). Moreover,
performance appraisal has a very chequered history associated with control,
hierarchical management and, more recently, complex information technology
processes that have resulted in mounting dissatisfaction in both supervisors and
employees (Adler, Campion, Colquitt, Grubb, Murphy, Ollander-Krane, and Pulakos,
PM was introduced in the early 1990s to address the well-documented limitations of
performance appraisal (Arvey and Murphy, 1998). The process of PM encompasses a
much broader range of management practices, including career management, training
and development, regular feedback and reimbursement considerations (Aguinis,
2007). PM is a continual process, as opposed to the once-a-year event of appraising
performance expectations. At the same time, "PM is seen as an integrated process in
which managers work with their employees to set expectations, measure and review
results, and reward performance," (Den Hartog, Boselie and Paauwe, 2004, p 4).
Source: Journal: International Journal of Manpower. Manuscript ID: IJM--10-2019-
0483.R2 Manuscript Type: Research Paper, emerald publishing.