7. Which of the following is a plant disease that tends to produce only one infection cycle per
host cycle?
A. Soil-borne disease
B. Foliar diseases caused by fungi
C. Fruit diseases
D. Stem diseases
8. Which of the following is not a biotic cause of diseases
A. Bacteria
B. Insects
C. Nematodes
D. Nitrogen deficiency
Section B: Answer all questions (92 MARKS)
1. Define or explain the following terms used in plant protection with examples.
i. Sign
ii. Pathogen
iii. Annual weed
iv. Systematic insecticide
v. Post-emergence herbicide application
2. a. Explain the difference between disease severity and disease incidence
b. Show how you will calculate disease incidence
3. Briefly, explain the impact of plant pests to the horticultural sector in Namibia.
4. Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative yield losses caused by crop pests. Give
5. List six (6) major factors to consider when planning an integrated insect control program [6]
6. In January 2022, Etunda Green Scheme Irrigation, located in Ruacanaa started to see an increase
in the number of tomato plants with stunted growth followed by wilting. Laboratory diagnosis
of the plants identified root-knot nematodes (RKN)as the cause of this disease. Suppose you are
the farm supervisor at the Etunda Green Scheme Irrigation responsible for ensuring good crop
production of horticultural crops,
a. List three (3) factors that must be present for the disease (wilting) to occur
b. Describe the disease pentahedron and how it can be targeted to control root-knot
nematodes on tomato crops
c. Explain the difference between sedentary and migratory nematodes with examples?