1SECTIONA: MULTIPLE CHO,-l~C-E_A_N-0-T~R-U-E"?-:/,-F-A_LS_E-~-~-..,,.....,_,.. (35 MARKS]
Evaluate the statements in each numbered section and select the most appropriate answer
or phrase from the given possibilities. Fill in the appropriate letter next to the number of the
correct statement/phrase on your ANSWERBOOK.
1.1 The PorB/Protein I of Neisseria species:
A) is the major porin protein which assists the organism to penetrate
the columnar epithelial cells of the host in order to cause an infection.
B) blocks the antibodies that have been produced against the Neisseria.
C) is the protein which inhibits the phagocytes of the organism by host
cells species.
D) is the protein that is present in the outer membrane of the Neisseria
and promotes adherence of the gonococcus to the host cells.
1.2 Sources of error that needs to be consider for the Citrate utilisation test
A) a light inoculum.
B) an excess of oxygen.
C) the incubation time of the test.
D) a heavy inoculum.
1.3 Tetracycline antibiotics act on organisms through:
A) Inhibiting DNA synthesis.
B) Inhibiting of protein synthesis.
C) Inhibiting cell wall synthesis.
D) Inactivating enzymes.
1.4 Virulence factors found in 5. pneumoniae that damages host cells are:
A) the pneumolysins.
B) the polysaccharide capsules.
C) neuramidases.
D) autolysins.
1.5 Abacterial pyuria can be defined as:
A) urine containing no bacteria and no pus cells.
B) urine containing excess pus cells and numerous bacteria.
C) urine containing numerous bacteria with no pus cells.
D) urine containing excess pus cells and a sterile culture.
Medical Microbiology 2B (MMB621S) 1st Opportunity Examination Paper November 2023