Question 2
(40 marks)
Thermometer Limited (Thermometer) is a company involved in the entertainment industry.
They have a lounge on Independence Street in the CBD. Thermometer imported a range of
new lighting equipment for its dance floor costing N$ 400,000 that was delivered on 1st
January 2020.
Prior to the equipment being delivered, the loss of a major contract led Thermometer limited
to realise that the equipment was surplus to its needs and thus it entered into a contract with
the Temperature entertainment limited to lease the equipment for a lease term of 3 years
from 1st January 2020.
Temperature limited has paid rental of N$150,000 annually in advance and guaranteed the
residual value of N$20,000 at the end of the contract on 31 December 2022.The lighting
equipment was subsequently bought by Barometer Entertainers in January 2023 for N$
The interest rate implicit in the contract was 17.08204%
The estimated useful life of the equipment was 3 years, and this is the same period over
which NAMRA (tax authority in Namibia) allows the equipment to be written off for tax
NAMRA rules stipulate that lease instalments are taxed when received.
The current tax rate is 30% and there is no transaction tax or VAT.
The profit before tax considering all the relevant information above has been correctly
calculated as follows:
Year ended
31st December 2020
31st December 2021
31st December 2022
240 705
244 377
Provide journal entries in the records of Thermometer Limited for the three years ended 31st
December 2020 to 31 December 2022 recording the gross receivable and the unearned
finance income.
(40 marks)
The workings must include the amortisation table, current tax, and deferred tax calculations
on the lighting equipment and finance lease debtor plus deferred tax summary for the three-
year period of 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2022.
[Workings carry 25 marks]