Basic Surveying
Question 1
1.1. Distinguish between Precise Observations and Accurate Observations.
1.2. Distinguish between the terms Grid and Graticule.
1.3. Why should intermediate sights onto important points be avoided during levelling?
1.4. Briefly describe ANY FOURcharacteristics of Contours.
1.5. What are the purposes of a Reference Object (R/O)?
1.6. Name the THREErequirements of a Reference Object(R/O).
1.7. There are two principal classifications of surveying, name ANY ONE and fully explain it.
1.8. Briefly explain how a surveyor would take a level reading under a bridge. What is this method
Question 2
You are appointed to subdivide an Erf in Windhoek North. You found two working stations from previous
surveys done by another land surveyor, but you are not able to set-up your instrument any one of them.
Use the information below to calculate co-ordinates for Revl.
Please note:
• The Atmospheric Correction and the Conversion to German Legal Metre is already applied to all
measured distances
• You have to calculate a DOUBLEREVERSEPOLAR.
Use the following combination: Hohe Win and WPl, and Nubuamis and WP2
Combined Sea level & Scale Enlargement Factor= 1+ [(y2/(2R2) - H/R)], where R = 6 370km and
H = 1700.000m
Hohe Win
-11 071.260
- 5 533.620
- 7 751.067
- 7 863.582
+53 318.300
+60 651.665
+60 667.863
Second Opportunity / Supplementary Question Paper
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July 2022