[20 MARKS]
1.1 Assess whether the following statements are True or False.
(One mark for each question)
1.1.1 Universal access to health services is not possible without policies to assure affordable
access to essential medicines.
1.1.2 The health information management professiona11s responsibilities includes ensuring
confidential information are protected and that data security measures are used to
prevent unauthorized access to information.
1.1.3 Physical control access is a form of authentication.
1.1.4 Digital signatures are tools used to check data alteration.
1.1.5 Non sensitive data is when processing is not permitted without the individual's consent
under certain conditions.
1.1.6 Health information should be protected from unauthorized processing and access.
1.1.7 PSEMASstands for Public Service Employability Medical Aid Scheme.
1.1.8 Health information systems diminish the quality of healthcare services and storage costs.
1.1.9 eHealth interoperability is the ability of two or more health systems to use and exchange
both computer interpretable data and human understandable data and knowledge.
1.1.10 Denial of service attacks are known to disrupt the computer operation and affect the data
stored either by modifying it or by deleting it altogether.
1.2 Enumerate the six (6) Health Systems building blocks
1.3 Identify any four (4) benefits of Health Information Systems
[20 MARKS]
2.1 Differentiate between the following concepts:
2.1.1. Data Quality and Data Verification
2.1.2 Accidental Disclosure and Insider Curiosity