Question 1
(25 marks)
Describe a conflict between a colleague and a supervisor at the workplace using the 7 stages of
Conflict. Number the stages.
Question 2
(25 marks)
Name and discuss the phases of the mediation process and the responsibilities of the mediator in
each phase. Illustrate your essay with examples where appropriate.
Question 3
(25 Marks)
Case study:
Imagine you work in the communication/PR department of a large company. There is a conflict
between two employees. One of the employees is mostly out of office, which means he is not
available to participate in teamwork assignments. You and your colleagues are most of the time left
to figure things out for yourselves and are overwhelmed with the tasks. As a result the work is not
always done properly. Clients are getting impatient as work is being delayed. They threaten to cancel
projects and look for another company.
Something has to be done. Suggest 2 types of conflict interventions which are suitable to be applied
to resolve the problem. Describe how these interventions work. Provide reasons for your choice.
Total: 75 marks