Comparative African Cities
Question 7
Sue Parnell responds to questions about her book Africa's Urban Revolution in a video.
Provide five (5) arguments she holds on to the economic potential of African cities and why she
considers its future "opportunely urban".
Question 8
Precolonial and Traditional African homesteads portray some excellent town planning principles
despite never having heard of town planning before. Describe a traditional Himba homestead to
demonstrate this point. The answer must contain a written and drawn component.
Question 9 ·
a) Accra is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. You, as a town planner are required to
highlight the major planning issues of this megacity, (both challenges and opportunities).
You must include how the authorities propose to go forward.
b) What lessons are there from Accra, discussed above that we can apply in Namibia?
Alternatively, what lessons can we share with the above city?
Question 10
What are the five essential characteristics used by the United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN-Habitat) to determine whether a household is living in slum conditions?
Second Opportunity/Supplementary Examination Question Paper
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July 2024