7. When using test marketing, firms typically choose one of three approaches: standard test markets,
controlled test markets or ___ _
A. blind tests
B. random sample test markets
C. simulated test markets
D. non-standard test markets
8. Which of the stages in the product life cycle is characterised by rapid market acceptance, increasing
sales and increasing profits?
A. introduction
B. maturity
C. growth
D. decline
9. The team-based new-product
together through ___ _
A. team efforts
B. better planning
C. cross-functional teams
D. departmentalisation
approach is faster
because departments
10. A common reason why so many new products fail in the marketplace is that the market size may
have been underestimated.
A. True
B. False
11. Which approach to test marketing entails that the firm finds a small number of representative test
cities, conducts a full marketing campaign in these cities and uses store audits, consumer and
distributor surveys, and other measures to gauge product performance?
A. standard test markets
B. controlled test markets
C. simulated test markets
D. single-city test markets
12. When managing the new-product development process, the ____
is an approach firms use to
install an innovation management system to collect, review, evaluate and manage new-product
A. team-based new-product development
B. customer-centred new-product development
C. sequential new-product development
D. systematic new-product development
13. The PLC(product life cycle) concept describes a ____
as temporary periods of unusually high
sales driven by consumer enthusiasm and immediate product or brand popularity. This may be part
of an otherwise normal life-cycle, as in the case of 'ripped jeans'.
A. product style
B. product fad