"Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customer needs and wants.
Critics, however, maintain that marketing creates needs and wants that did not exist
before. They feel that marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they
should on goods and services that they do not really need (Kotler & Keller, 2016)"
With reference to the above statement and with examples from hospitality and tourism,
take a position and debate on the following:
Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants versus marketing merely reflects the needs
and wants of consumers.
With the aid of a diagram critically discuss the concept of holistic marketing.
20 marks
Briefly explain the following
i. Difference between marketing planning and strategic planning
ii. Difference between product concept and selling concept
iii. Production concept and marketing concept
iv. Characteristics and types of strategic decisions
20 marks
4x5 = 20 marks
You have been appointed the marketing director of Air Namibia with a mandate to
implement a turnaround strategy for the collapsed airline. Using the five-stage strategic
planning and implementation process recommendation by Wilson and Gilligan (2013)
identify and discuss the steps you would take to implement the turnaround strategy.
40 marks