Part I: True or false questions.
For each of the following questions, state whether it is true or false. Justify your answer.
1. If T: P3 -+ P3 is a linear transformation, then Tis an isomorphism.
2. If the characterstic equation of a matrix A is given by p(>.) = >2.(>.- l)(>- - 2)3, then
the size of matrix A is 6 x 6.
3. Let A be an n x n matrix. If A has fewer than n distinct eigenvalues then A is not
4. If q is a quadratic form on a vector space V, then q(-o:) = -q(o:).
Part II: Work out Problems.
1. Let V and W be vector spaces over a field K and let T: V -> Vi/ be a mapping. State
what it means to say T is linear transformation.
2. Let T be the mapping T: P3 -+ P2 defined by T(a 0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3) = 3ao + a3x2.
(a) show that Tis linear.
(b) find a basis for the kernel of T.
3. Let A and B be n x n similar matrices.Then prove that A and B have the same Char-
acterstic polynomial.
( 11)
4. Find an orthonormal martix P for the symmetric matrix A = (~ ~) such that
pT AP is a diagonal matrix.
5. Consider the bases B = {l + x + x2 , x + x2, x2} and C = {l, x, x2 } of P2 .
(a) Find the cooordinate vector [p(x)]s of p(x) where p(x)= 1 + x2 .
(b) ] Find the change of basis matrix: Pc..-Bfrom B to C.
(c) Use the results in (a) and (b) to compute [p(x)]c where p(x)= 1 + x 2 .