1.6 During Touch Down PCR
A. The annealing temparture is manipulated over the course of the PCR
B. Two primer sets are used during the PCR
C. Antibodies are used to inactivate Taq Polymerase during lower
D. Normal conditions of a PCRare followed
1.7 Which of the following do not form part a PCRingredient mixture?
A. Forward and reverse primer
B. All four ddNTPs
D. Mg++
1.8 The following is true when choosing a restriction enzyme site for cloning
purposes except for:
A. Restriction sites must only appear twice in the plasmid
B. They must not appear on your gene
C. Blunt sites are suboptimal for cloning
D. You must choose restriction sites that are available in the plasmid
you are cloning into
1.9 Type II restriction endonucleases functions to:
A. Induce cleavage within or immediately outside their recognition
B. They cleave DNA in the immediate vicinity of their recognition sites
C. They cleave the DNA about 1000 bp away from the 5' end of the
sequence "TCA" located within the recognition site
D. Recognize asymmetric target sites, and cleave the DNA duplex on
one side of the recognition sequence up to 20 bp away
1.10 The following method is useful in identifying novel mutations:
A. Variable Number Tandem Repeats
B. Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation
C. Sanger Sequencing
D. Microarray