(12 Marks]
a) Differentiate between typeface and font.
b) Discuss any five (5) typography issues that you should avoid as a Multimedia Developer when
creating content.
[18 Marks]
a) Why are vector images better than raster images?
b) Explain the concept of interlacing with regard to images and the perceived benefits it offers to the
c) Why is the PNG format now used in preference over the GIF format and what is the difference
between the two formats?
d) Assume that you are given a project to produce promotional materials such as posters, flyers,
business cardsfor your department:
i) Which color model will you recommend for this project?
ii) Justify your option in question d (i) by stating any four (4) characteristics for this color model.
iii) Why is it important for a Multimedia Developer to know about colour models?
(13 Marks]
a) A Lecturerwishes to use a textbook he considersto be too expensive. He makes copies of the book
for the class. However,it is a copyrightedbook and it is prohibited to make copies of it.
i) Discussthe scenario in a) and state whether it is fair use or not. Justify your argument. (3)
b) Give an example of creative work you produced in your academic career. Justify why you classify
it as creative work.
c) Where do we register creative works in Namibia?
d) Differentiate between copyright and trademark.