1.1. [9]
Let V and U be vector spaces over a field !RIa.nd let T: V U be a mapping. Then define what
does it means to say
(a) Tis linear.
(b) Kernel of T.
(c) rank of T and nullity of T.
1.2. [33)
,7. 2
Let T: IR3i. a mapping defined by T ([~]) = [ ;
(a) Show that Tis linear.
(b) Determine Ker (T), the nullity ofT and the rank of T and use the result together with the
rank theorem to determine whether Tis an isomorphism or not.
(c) Determine the matrix representation of Twith respect to the basis {vi, v2 , v3 } where
V1 = (1, 0, 1), Vz = (0, 1, 1), V3 = (1, 1, 0) of JR3l.
(d) Determine the determinant of T and trace of T.
[-:n Let Sand 'B be bases for JR2l.where S = {[~], and 'B = {[~][,~]}.
Find the change of basis matrix from 'B to S (P5..._23).
3.1. State what does it means to say two matrices are similar.
3.2. Let A and B be n x n similar matrices. Then show that det A= det B.
Gi] [i ~] 3.3. Show that A =
and B =
are not similar.