In the language dimension of the interpretation process certain basic principles must be
followed. Explain these principles.
Mr. Ashipala, an employee in the Ministry of Home Affairs is caught speeding along
Independence Avenue, on his way home from work. He is charged a fine for violating the
traffic regulations, which fine he refuses to pay and is thus summoned to court. In court he
raises the defense that government bodies are not bound by their own legislation. Discuss
briefly whether he would succeed with this defence.
Which factors in the historical and comparative dimensions assist to find the purpose
of the legislation.
Which would be the most important factor in (a) above and why?
On the 5" of August 2018, Mr. Mandaza suffered damages due to the fact that a police vehicle
collided into his motor vehicle. In terms of the Police Act a claim against the police must be
instituted within 6 months of the collision. The summons was served on the 5" of February
2019.The said Police Act does not give a definition for the word “month”. Discuss briefly
whether the summons has been served in time.
When would the courts not be entitled to modify the meaning of a text?
A “Semi-Precious Stones Act” was promulgated by Parliament. Section 10 of the said
Act makes it illegal to sell sodalite, a semi-precious stone found in northern Namibia.
Further the said section lays down a penalty of 2 years imprisonment for anyone found
guilty under this section. Mr. Shabangu, a tourist from South Africa, travels to a
remote area in the north of Namibia and is offered a 5kg sodalite stone by Mr.
Samuels. Mr. Shabangu buys the said stone. On his way back to Windhoek, Mr.
Shabangu is stopped at the roadblock and the police officers find the sodalite and
promptly arrest him for buying and being in possession of sodalite in terms of the
above mentioned Act. At his trial, Mr. Shabangu, in his defense, states that the said
section 10 of the said Act only prohibits the selling of sodalite and not the buying and
possession thereof. The court nevertheless finds him guilty and imposes a one year
prison sentence. Which rule under which interpretative method did the court use to
find him guilty?