SECTION A (15 MARKS]: Each Question Weighs 1 Marie.
Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False.
1 The raw speed of the microprocessor will not achieve its potential unless it is fed a
constant stream of work to do in the form of computer instructions
2. Pipelining is a means of introducing parallelism into the essentially sequential
nature of Machine-instruction program
3. RISCprocessors are more responsive to interrupts because interrupts are checked
between rather elementary operations
4. Machine parallelism exists when instructions in a sequence are independent and thus
can be executed in parallel by overlapping
1. Organizational attributes include hardware details transparent to the programmer.
2. The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) defines the machine language
instructions that a computer can follow.
7. Cache memory is a much faster memory than the register file.
8. Overflow can only occur if there is a carry.
9. Interrupt is one of the five states for a process.
10 Memory swapping is a situation where none of the processes in memory are in the
ready state.
11 A sequence of hexadecimal digits can be thought of as representing an integer
in base 2.
12. The instruction set is the programmer's means of controlling the processor.
13. Memory references are faster than register references.
14. The Kernel is a special type of programming language used to provide instructions to
the monitor.
15. The speed of a processor is dictated by the pulse frequency produced by the clock,
measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
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