Answer any two (2) of the following questions:
Question 1
(50 Marks)
"Communication satisfies a personal or social need which then makes us behave in a certain
way In light of the above statement, write an essay in which you discuss the purposes of
communication. Give concrete examples to support your answer.
Question 2
(SO Marks)
"Our communication with ourselves depends largely on the way we perceive the world
around us. We are constantly worrying about what is happening around us, constantly
involved in planning, dreaming, and thinking." In light of the above statement, write an
essay about the four inner "selves" to describe who and what we think we are. Provide
concrete examples based on each "self".
Question 3
(SO Marks)
"We have learned that communication is a process. If something goes wrong in the process,
there is bound to be misunderstanding or communication breakdown." In light of the above
statement, write an essay describing barriers that prevent communication from happening
successfully. Remember to provide tangible examples associated with your barriers.
Question 4
(SO Marks)
"Individuals have sets of needs that motivate their communication and responses to
messages." With the aid of a relevant diagram, identify and explain each of Maslow's five
hierarchies of needs. Give examples to support your answer.