a) It is expensive when considering its effectiveness and high maintenance cost.
b) It controls most types of animals effectively.
c) It can be constructed with low labour input.
d) It requires low maintenance, provided that the fence is correctly planned and erected.
2.5. The following are general requirements for an effective electrified fence EXCEPT one. Which
a) The fence should be planned and designed for specific types of animals to be controlled,
therefore the power of the energizer and the placement of the wire strands and other posts
should be suitable for the intended animal.
b) It should be as low a cost as possible by using poor-quality materials.
c) Should be neat and permanent and of low maintenance.
d) Should be safe from contact with humans.
2.6.Which ONE is NOT true for concrete aggregates?
a) Strong and hard to give a strong final concrete.
b) Durable to stand up to wear and tear and weathering.
c) Chemically active so that it reacts with cement.
d) Clean, since dirt or clay sticking to the aggregates will weaken the bond between paste
and aggregates.
2.7. Which ONE is NOT a common type of workplace hazard?
a) Transportation and vehicle-related accidents
b) Enclosed spaces
c) Gender-based violence
d) None of the above
2.8. Which ONE is NOT a method to treat snake bites?
a) Reassure the patient and keep calm
b) Wipe venom from the wound
c) Apply tourniquet
d) Immobilise limb
2.9. Which ONE is NOT an advantage of solar energy?
a) Solar energy is a truly renewable energy source.
b) It can be harnessed only in some areas of the world and is not available every day.
c) We cannot run out of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy.
d) Solar energy will be accessible as long as we have the sun.
2.10. Which ONE is an essential element of farm water planning?
a) Understanding total farm water requirements.
b) Assessing the reliability of water sources.
c) Establishing the sizes of storages (dams or tanks) needed.
d) All of the above.
3.1. Name and explain the 2 main categories of hazards that could occur at a workplace and give an
appropriate and relevant example for each.
3.2. Excessiveblood loss from an open wound due to injuries sustained at work may lead to a fatality.
Explain how you would control excessive loss of blood from open wounds by applying the direct
pressure method.