The Regional Councils Act, No. 22 of 1992 as a legislative framework is clear in terms of the
qualification of members of regional councils. Identify and discuss the requirements for one to be a
member of a regional council and how such a member shall vacate his or her office.
The social and political history of Namibia endured two forms of colonialism both of which were
equally destructive and premised on racial differences. Discuss in detail the historical experience of
disadvantaged Namibians in South West Africa, during the period 1920 to 1989.
Outline in detail the implementation of the principle of disclosure for members of regional councils
when dealing with contracts and working for regional councils in which members or those associated
with are interested to perform work on behalf of Regional Councils. Include in your answer
consequences in failing to adhere and comply with such principles as stipulated in the Regional Council
Act, No. 22 of 1992.
A large number of developing and transitional countries have embarked on some form of
decentralisation programme. This trend is connected with a growing interest in the role of civil society
and the private sector as partners to governments in seeking new ways of service delivery. Identify
and discuss the notable forms of decentralisation in detail. Make use of practical examples to illustrate
your argument.
[TOTAL: 100]