Given the patient's age and laboratory results, provide the most likely diagnosis
and give a detailed description ofthe significance of collecting a CSFsample in this
particular patient, and how it will aid in the diagnosis of disease.
Three marks will be allocated to the most likely diagnosis, ten marks will be
allocated to CSFdescription and specimen significance and seven marks will be
allocated to importance in CSFanalysis in the diagnosis of disease.
A 77 year old patient with a history of congestive heart failure presented to the
Emergency Department with confusion. An electrocardiogram {ECG) was
completed before blood was collected. The patient was questioned, and it was
discovered that the patient was unclear if he took double dosage of digoxin or
forgot to take the medication. Results of the laboratory analysis are shown in
Table 2.
Table 2. Laboratory findings
2.4 ng/ml (0.5-1.5)
12 g/L {35-55)
Total protein
56 g/L {65-85)
112 U/L (5-45)
23.6 mmol/L (2.3-8.5)
234 µmol/L (60-120)
257 pg/ml(< 100)
Recite the purpose and mechanism of action of digoxin. Discuss the route of
administration, absorption, distribution of drug within the body, and the
elimination of the drug. Given the patient's and laboratory results, review the
results and provide a potential explanation and demonstrate how the application
of therapeutic drug monitoring can provide recommendations on the patient's
current digoxin dosage.
Five marks will be allocated to the purpose and mechanism of action of digoxin.
Five marks will be allocated to the route of administration, absorption,
distribution of drug within the body, and the elimination of the drug. Five marks
will be allocated to the review of the patient results, and five marks will be
allocated to the application of therapeutic drug monitoring and the
recommendations on the patient's current digoxin dosage.
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