Question 1
a) What are microwaves?
b) How do microwaves travel when transmitted?
c) What are the advantages of using an active microwave sensor compared to passive
sensors for remote sensing purposes?
Question 2
Indicate if the following statements are True or False. If false, correct the statement.
1. LiDARis an active sensor.
2. A satellite image contains geospatial information in vector format.
3. It is advised to always use illumination from the southwest to display hill shades on a
4. A QGISproject file (qgz) does not contain any GISdata.
5. GPSdata is vector data and most often in gpx format.
6. Thermal radiation from animals and humans is emitted in the visible light range.
7. Each pixel of a raster image stores a single value.
8. Green plants absorb green light.
9. Thermal radiation can be carried through a vacuum.
10. The location with latitude 15.55 and longitude - 22.15 is south of the equator.
11. Coordinates of longitude represent the Y-axisfor the grid of latitude and longitude lines
covering the world.
12. Visible light contains more energy than radio waves.
13. Eachimage layer in a GIShas an attribute table.
14. Vector data can be imported into Google Earth if it is in shp format.
15. Water reflects most radiation with higher wavelengths from near-infrared onwards.
Question 3
You start a new project in QGISand you add the layers waterpoints.gpx and regions.shp to
the project. The file extension .shp stands for a file in ...........format. Next to regions.shp,
two other files are needed to open the regions layer in a GIS:......................a..nd
...........................T. he data of the waterpoints.gpx file was collected with a ..............You also
have a file regions.xml. This file contains ...............
Question 4
Electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic waves characterised by wavelength and
1. Explain wavelength and indicate the measurement unit.
2. Explain frequency and indicate the measurement unit.
3. What is the relation between wavelength and frequency? What is this expression