(a) State briefly what is meant by blackbody radiation. Show graphically the effect of
temperature a typical wavelength distribution curve of the emitted blackbody
(b) Explain briefly quantisation of energy, particle-wave duality and degeneracy as used
in quantum mechanics.
(c) The photoelectric effect experiment demonstrates that light has particle-like
properties. What is the effect of increasing (i) the frequency of incident light and (ii)
intensity of the incident light.
(d) Calculate the energy of photon and an electron when each has a wavelength of 1 A
and comment on the relative magnitude of your answers.
(a) Investigate whether the function y(x) = Acosx + Bsinx (where A and Bare constants) is
a solution to the differential equation:
d2y\\x) +y(x)=O
(b) Explain using mathematical expressions what you understand by the following terms
as used in quantum mechanics:
Linear operators
(ii) Normalised wavefunction
(iii) Expectation value
(c) The normalised wavefunction for a particle-in-a-box is of the form
tr=(¾Y si{n;x} forO x a
Calculate the probability that a particle in a one-dimensional box of length a is found
to be between O and a/2.
• (5)
f Note: sin2kxdx =f(½(1-cos2kx)}x
(d) Using the wavefunction in (c) above, sketch e variations of tr(n =4) and tr 2(n =4) in
the range O x a. At what values of x in terms of a is tr(n = 4) = 0 in the range
0 X < a.