QUESTION 1 [25 marks]
(a) Given the following distributed lag model:
GDP= a+ ~0 PCEr + ~1 PCEr-i + ~2 PCEr-z + ...+ ~pPCEr-p + µt
i) Please explain how you can use it to determine the lag length of the
independent variable.
ii) What is the short-run or impact multiplier?
iii) What is the long run or total distributed lag multiplier?
iv) What is the proportion of the long run felt after one period?
v) What is the proportion of the long run felt after period p?
(b) Use Y as the dependent variable and X and Z as the independent
variables to answer the following questions:
i) Specify the long-run model.
ii) Specify the static error correction model.
iii) Specify the dynamic error correction model.
QUESTION 2 [25 marks]
Explain all steps taken to apply the cointegration and error correction
modelling (ECM) technique. Assume that the dependent variable is Gross
Domestic Product (Y), and the independent variables are Capital (K) and
Labour (L).
a) What order of integration of the variables is appropriate to run this
b) Specify the long-run equation with an intercept and no trend.
c) Explain how you generate the errors and use them to test for
cointegration (state the hypothesis and decision rule for the
cointegration test).
d) If there is no cointegration, what do you do?
e) If there is cointegration among the variables, state the model you
f) Which parameters in your model are short-run, and which parameters
are long-run?