When you-4ecidcto hire a virtual assistaRt,you~e
hiring a 1099 contro.cter.-
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A virtual assistant tvpically provides low-cost solutions to easv. one-off tasks whereas a remote
executive assistant will uroactivelv look for wavs to add value and enhance vour efficiencv
(while effectiv ely managine vour schedule. inbox. and other complex or sensitive ~askd).
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I. Schedt 1le
------reference for website
...... virtual-wh~ts-difference-emilie-given
Virtual Assist ants work their own sch€ffitlesproerams and take on clients as they want and need.
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There's wiggl e room with project management and the responsibilities they decide to take on
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based on their :,kill level and deliverables.
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1.1 Specia lized Fields
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Some virtual assistants only specialize in specifics like:
[gFaj:>Jid'iecsign work,
actcicopy, '------------------------------~
2. Executive Requirements
It's important to match the right [v with 'Ours Jecific executive su
responsibilities that come with it.
ort needs, and all the
2.1 Difference between Executive Assistant and Virtual Assistant
[?'f:.( Tl~e~succeeding cl_ifferencebetw~~n an.It;: .and . is the re uii:ement for.educ;ati.on..
Fi'Is~gfii~, is dependent 011what you need thern to do. li.L_High-profile cli~ni~:rQjghtyvant tq
a §~.2-J~hgt4)' reSUJHe_b~foremaking decision. 2.1.3 Others might not I:,eas_~strict,
~~~tigh!,en20riei_:icae,d!plo-,or some co.llege_1nigh!beall that;_sneecledt.(! §·ec~!:.et1!~j9b_.
~--- a. [T:g
-·. .
But_bec.a:·u- siehey~e.,
pjg)_~t(_u~haY(!b_oii1college cm-H,al'ioo,a~ee,;
Virtual assistants have more flexibility with their hours and ru·eself-employed meaning you have
a lower overhead (employment taxes, benefits, and physical space,-ete). Hours delegated are
really dependent upon your budget and need.
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Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, ... + Start at 1 + Alignment Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
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