Question 1
November 2023
INetworld Computers cq ______________-_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_---C-om-m-e-n-te-d--[B-L-1-]:-U-s-eW--or-d-A-rt-to-create a letter head
for this article:
IH Fill: Gray, Accent Color 3, Sharp Bevel
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system or network, usually to gain unauthorized access to personal or organizational
Commented IBLZJ: Insert Drop cap, 2 lines, bold
Hacking is not always a AaSty--maliciousactivity, but the term has mostly negative
connotations due to its association with icybercrim~ _:_---_____--_-_-____-_-___-_-___._____-_-___-_---- Commented [BL3]: Insert reference link for this journal
1_Hacking for Different Reasons
/1.sdiscussed in previous chapters, there areis more than one reason why hackers
do what they do_ Most hackers will attempt to access systems for a challenge, out of
curiosity, or for more malicious reasons.
The only true way to defend your system is to look at it through the eyes of your
enemy, the intruder. /1.number of automated utilities can probe your networks to look
for common exposures and vulnerabilities. One of the foremost freeware tools is a
package called Nessus.
2.Maximize the Access
A skilled Wf91afintruder appreciates principles of strategy and will not rush into a
system without careful preparation and planning. These rootkits will do everything
from installing-+rojaA--farogramsto moaifyiflg-log&.
4.The Five Phases of Hacking
GoAtfaFy--to-f)oiwlar-opiAioR-amtthe-sensa#onalized HollywooEl-image-ef.-tRe-haGkef,
even the boldest intruders will not rush in to a site without careful preparation. Skilled
intruders will assemble a number of strategic and tactical attack maps by which they
can acquire information on a target system or network.
1,4.C1 reating an Attack Map
When preparing to pest-mount any attack, it is always advisable to know the terrain.
4.2Building an Execution Plan
When building an attack execution plan, one must take into account the following
factors: [___________________________________________________________________-_--_-__Co_m_m_e_n_te_d__[_B_L4_]_: I_ns_e_rt_d_ou_b_le_l_in_e _sp_a_ce_b_e_tw_e_en______
!Avulnerable service must be presently running and accept connections from
the rest of the Internet.
Exploits used must not entail any form of denial of service (DoS), which would
give away the attackL___________________________-_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_--_-_--_-_--_-_---------------C-iommented [BLSJ: Insert bullets.d/s