Question 1
1.1 a.-Cohas an hep structure with lattice spacings of a=2.51 Aand c = 4.07 A,~-Co isfee, with cubic
lattice spacing of 3.55 A.What is the difference in density between the two forms?
1.2 Name various types of cubic class of crystalline structures. Explain their characteristics. Give the
values of parameters which distinguish them from each other.
1.3 (a) Calcium has a face-centered cubic structure with an ionic radius of 1.06 A.Calculate the
interplanar separation for (111) planes.
(b) Show that the maximum radius of the sphere that can just fit into the void at the body centre
of the fee structure coordinated by the facial atoms is 0.414 r, where r is the radius of the atom. (5)
Question 2
2.1 Between HFand HCIwhich have higher melting point and why?
2.2 Mention the characteristics of ionic and metallic bonding
2.3 The potential energy function for the force between two particular ions, carrying charges +e
and -e respectively, may be written as,
V=--+A-e 2
(i) Find the equilibrium separation distance for these ions.
(ii) Find the potential energy at equilibrium separation
Question 3
3.1 What are lattice vibrations? How to differentiate an acoustic mode and an optical mode of
3.2 The unit cell parameter of NaCl is 5.65A0 and the modulus of elasticity along [100] direction
is 6 x 1010 N/m 2. Estimate the wavelength at which an electromagnetic radiation is strongly
reflected by the crystal. The atomic weight of Na= 23 and of Cl= 37. Unit cell parameter
(a) = 5.65 x 10-10m, modulus of electricity (Y) = 6 x 1010 N/m 2.
3.3 State Dulong and Petit law? How did the Einstein theory explain the failure of Dulong and
Petit law?