Question 1
Most Local Authorities in Southern Africa rely primarily on central government for
financial support. This has resulted in over dependence on central government and
subsequent limited internal financial capacity, which negatively affects the
implementation of Local Authority legislation, policies, and regulations to provide
services to constituents. Local Authorities are encouraged to seek external financial
support. However, most Local Authorities experience challenges in sourcing external
funding. Analyse the reasons for these challenges and provide solutions.
Question 2
Democratic theories, namely the centralist and decentralist provide relevant
perspectives on the existence of sub-national government. These theories comprise
of different sub-theories, each presenting a compelling argument on the rationale for
the existence of sub-national government and the sharing of power between central
government and sub-national government. Apply the sub-theories of social relation,
localist, and public choice to the operations of Local Authorities in Africa.
Question 3
The formulation of by-laws is an important mandate of both Regional and Local
Authorities. Explain the purpose of these by-laws and how does one ensure
compliance in view that they are regarded as subordinate laws?