Question 1
Both Regional and Local Authorities comprise of appointed and elected officials,
responsible for the formulation and implementation of respective policies and
strategies. Good governance requires cooperation between the elected and appointed
officials. Cooperative governance is a pre-requisite for good governance. Illustrate the
causal relationship between cooperative governance and good governance at Local
Government level.
Question 2
The legislature in Namibia is based on a bi-cameral system, with the intention to
strengthen democracy, by allowing for broad based political representation in the
affairs ofthe State. Regional Councils are regarded as an extension of the legislature in
Namibia. Explain why Regional Councils are regarded as an extension of the legislature
and the role they play in strengthening democracy.
Question 3
Financial management systems serve as regulatory instruments to promote effective
and efficient service delivery. The absence or the very limited enforced financial
management systems in Local Authorities compromises the provision of quality
services. Review the factors that contribute towards poor financial management
system and provide relevant recommendations to improve the financial management